Power in Check: Chess and the American Presidency showcases a variety of politically-themed chess sets from the World Chess Hall of Fame’s permanent collection. This redux of 2012’s exhibition offers a look at how the “royal game” of chess has fascinated American presidents for over 200 years.
Chess has influenced the American presidency since the administration of George Washington. While a game replete with Kings and Queens might at first seem antithetical to democratic leadership, commanders-in-chief have continually appreciated chess’ practical benefits and cultural significance, playing to escape the pressures of a stressful job, hosting successful players from around the world, and utilizing the game as a metaphor for larger national and international issues.
Doug Anderson, 1996 Presidential Election, Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole, 1996, Clay, ceramic, paint, and glitter, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of Bernice and Floyd Sarisohn
Maker unknown, American Bicentennial: 1976 vs. 1776, Date unknown, Plaster, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of Harvey and Teddi Robbins
Jack Kightlinger, President Ronald Reagan and the National Elementary School Chess Champions from Indianapolis, Indiana, 1983, Photograph, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of John Donaldson
Lois Harlowe, Civil War Chess Set, c. mid-late 20th century, Ceramic and paint, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of Ray Harlowe
Maker unknown, Democrats vs. Republicans, c. 2000s, Resin, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of Bernice and Floyd Sarisohn
László Polgár, Polgar Tactics: 77 Chess Combinations, 1991, Paper, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of John Donaldson
Maker unknown, Russian Politicians vs. American Politicians, c. 1990s, Wood lacquered and painted, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame
Remember to Vote, 1958, Paper, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame
Maker unknown, Barack Obama vs. John McCain, 2008, Clay, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of Bernice and Floyd Sarisohn
Maker unknown, Barack Obama vs. John McCain, 2008, Clay, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of Bernice and Floyd Sarisohn
Maker unknown, Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump, 2016, 3D printed plastic, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of Bernice and Floyd Sarishon
Maker unknown, Watergate Chess Set, Date unknown, Ceramic and paint, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of Bernice and Floyd Sarishon
Maker unknown, Democrats vs. Republicans, c. 2000s, Resin, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of Bernice and Floyd Sarisohn
Maker unknown, Democrats vs. Republicans, c. 2000s, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of Bernice and Floyd Sarisohn
Maker unknown, Donald Trump vs. Barack Obama, 2016, 3D printed plastic, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of Bernice and Floyd Sarisohn
Maker unknown, American Bicentennial: 1976 vs. 1776, Date unknown, Plaster, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of Harvey and Teddi Robbins
Manufacturer unknown, Democrats vs. Republicans Chess Set, Date unknown, Wood, felt, canvas, and cardboard, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame
A.L. Carroll, Harper’s Weekly, Vol. IX no. 440, June 3, 1865, Paper, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame
Frank A. Nankivell, Puck, Vol. 68, No. 1758, The Political Janus Cartoon, November 9, 1910, Digital print, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame
W.A. Rogers, Harper’s Weekly, Vol. XLVIII, No. 2468, April 9, 1904, Paper, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame
Frederick Burr Opper, Puck, Vol. 38, No. 970, October 9, 1895, Paper, Courtesy of the Library of Congress
Ingram Pinn, Chess Moves to Transform World Politics, December 8, 2014, Paper, Courtesy of the Financial Times
Nicholas Garland, Obama’s Impossible Chess Game, 2009, Paper, Courtesy of The Telegraph, © Garland / Telegraph Media Group Limited 2020
Wadalupe, Secret Service, 2016, Paper, Courtesy of Andrés Guadalupe
Frank A. Nankivell, Impossible Pictures of Roosevelt, August 21, 1907, Paper, Courtesy of the Theodore Roosevelt Digital Library
Photographer unknown, László Polgár and the Polgar Sisters with President George and First Lady Barbara Bush, 1989, Photograph, Collection of the World Chess Hall of fame, gift of John Donaldson
Harris & Ewing, Samuel Reshevsky participates in a Simul with Congressmen Meyer London, Roy Fitzgerald and James W. Collier, April 6, 1922, Photograph, Courtesy of the Library of Congress
Unknown photographer, Rex Sinquefield, Vice President Mike Pence, and Dr. Jeanne Cairn Sinquefield, Date, Photograph, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame
Bill Hook, Donald Trump about to Make the First Move of the Boris Gulko-Nigel Short Game in the 1994 Candidates Tournament, 1994, Photograph, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of Raquel Browne
Bill Hook, Donald and Melania Trump with GM Anatoly Karpov, 1994, Photograph, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of Raquel Browne
Bill Hook, Donald and Melania Trump with GM Anatoly Karpov, 1994, Photograph, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, gift of Raquel Browne
Unknown photographer, for the Executive Office of the President of the United States, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin Engages U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski in a Game of Chess at Camp David, 1978, Photograph, Courtesy of The Jimmy Carter Library
Maker unknown, Bobby Fischer for President Pin, c. 1970s, Plastic and metal, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame
New York Union Envelope Depot, Brown & Ryan, New York, Envelope with Confederate President Jefferson Davis Playing Chess Against General Winfield Scott, c. 1861-1865, Paper envelope, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame
President George Bush’s National Chess Week Letter, 1990, Paper, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame
Vice President Walter F. Mondale’s National Chess Day Letter, 1978, Paper, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame
President George Bush’s National Chess Week Letter, 1991, Paper, Collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame
08/25/2020: St. Louis Post-Dispatch — Three exhibits at World Chess Hall of Fame entertain and inform using a universal language