Liz Garbus’ documentary Bobby Fischer Against the World premiered in New York City on May 25th with a slew of celebrities in attendance. Sophia Coppola, Henry Kissinger, Rufus Wainwright, Clive Davis and Lauren Hutton joined more than 200 VIPs at HBO’s theatre in midtown New York. The World Chess Hall of Fame co-hosted the event and exhibited several of the Harry Benson photographs featured in the film. Benson and his wife, Gigi were in attendance. A number of top American chess players were also present after participating in the Bryant Park Chess Happening, a large outdoor blitz chess tournament. The tournament, hosted by New York City’s Marshall Chess Club, boasted the highest number of Grandmasters in ever in attendance for an outdoor tourney, according to the U.S. Chess Federation. Chess players and onlookers in Bryant were greeted with logoed tote bags and chess boards from the World Chess Hall of Fame. Become a fan of the World Chess Hall of Fame on Facebook for photos from the events!