Saint Louis – An International Chess Destination
Did you know that Saint Louis has emerged as a premiere chess destination worldwide? Saint Louis was named “Chess City of the Year” by the U.S. Chess Federation in 2009 and 2011. The Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis (CCSCSL) was founded in 2007 and shortly thereafter became the new home for U.S. Championship Chess. A logical outgrowth of the success of the club, the World Chess Hall of Fame (WCHOF) opened in 2011 and has attracted international audiences.
So how did Saint Louis become an international chess center, you may ask? Well it began when the Chess Club, a not-for-profit education center, opened its doors in 2008 in Saint Louis’ historic Central West End. The CCSCSL’s new facility attracted chess masters from across the globe and introduced students throughout the city to the game through innovative scholastic programming. The Chess Club has hosted both the U.S. and Women’s Championships since 2009 and is home to two resident Grandmasters.
The success of the Chess Club made Saint Louis an obvious choice for the relocation of the World Chess Hall of Fame. The WCHOF offers visitors a cultural and artistic perspective on the game, while the CCSCSL provide the opportunity to play at all levels, from novice to grandmaster. The opening of the World Chess Hall of Fame has continued to grow Saint Louis as an internationally recognized chess center, thereby promoting local tourism and growing the cultural diversity of our city.