Meanwhile, in Pieces and Placement, Saint Louis artist Stan Chisholm is creating The Queen. His colorful mural alludes to the storied history of the piece, which transformed from a representation of a military advisor only able to move a single square at a time to the most powerful piece on the board. Visitors throughout the month of February will have the opportunity to see Chisholm at work in the gallery. The final installment exploring the king, will begin in March and be created by Chicago artist Ruben Aguirre.
Opportunities to expand upon the content of our shows are not limited to Living Like Kings. A Memorable Life: A Glimpse into the Complex Mind of Bobby Fischer includes audio and written interviews with U.S. Chess Hall of Fame inductees GM Walter Browne and GM Yasser Seirawan as well as interviews with friends of Fischer, including GM Helgi Olafsson and IM Anthony Saidy. These are available not only to our visitors in Saint Louis, but also those around the world through the exhibition’s website. We invite you to get involved, whether you attend one of our events, see the newest addition to our Learning Lab, or delve more deeply into the legacy of one of the most famous players in the history of the game.