Paws and Pawns: Exploring Animal Chess Sets
Curated by Emily Allred
January 30-August 31, 2025
Gallery 2
For centuries, artists have taken inspiration from the natural world to reinterpret familiar chess pieces. Some draw on an animal’s reputation to reimagine it as a chess piece—regal lions and powerful Tyrannosaurus Rexes, known as the kings of the jungle and dinosaurs, respectively, appear as rulers in some sets. In other cases, artists subvert expectations, elevating meek or delicate creatures like mice or frogs to powerful players when they step—or hop—onto the chess board. Though the animal kingdom is known for conflict between predator and prey, many of the sets feature humorous perspectives, showcasing pieces inspired by beloved pets or cartoon-like versions of beasts of the wild. Other sets serve as splendid reminders of the spectacular diversity of wildlife in a specific location, like the ocean or a jungle.
Paws and Pawns: Exploring Animal Chess Sets displays a menagerie of animal-themed chess sets from around the world, demonstrating the enduring appeal of the animal kingdom to chess artists. Many of these are from the collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame, while others are on loan from artists, members of Chess Collectors International, and local collectors.